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导读 大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。关于食物的英语作文50,关于食物的英语作文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、While...


1、While many people will claim that one of the pleasures of traveling is the opportunity to seek out and taste new types of food, the reality, certainly for the mass market and popular destination, is that most people after a short while seek the security of their own familiar types of food. The Spanish resorts are full of restaurants that serve dishes and drinks that are part of the everyday diets of the German, British and Scandinavian tourists who represent their largest markets.

2、 日本游客到了欧洲自然不习惯西方的食物,对其中一些人来说,中餐馆也并非是一个特别好的替代。不过,食物正飞快地国际化,比如高速扩张的麦当劳和它无62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333332643164处不在的汉堡包、鸡块。美国经营者特许的比萨和薄饼连锁店等。现今在绝大多数国际饭店中常见的咖啡屋里,当地的食物也国际化了,他们增加了薯条或欧洲风味的面包,以确保菜单能被饭店中绝大多数客人接受。

3、  Japanese visitors to Europe are certainly unused to the Western way of eating, and for some the Chinese restaurant is not an especially good substitute. However, food is rapidly becoming "international". The rapid spread of McDonald’s and its ubiquitous hamburger, and the chicken, pizza and pancake chains usually franchised by American operators are examples. The now common "coffee shop" of most international hotels where local dishes are internationalized by the addition of "chip" or European-style bread products, ensure that the menu is acceptable to the large majority of their customers. --From: www. ycenglish.com--

4、  很多人声称旅行的快乐之一是有机会寻找并且品尝新型的食品。而事实是,大多数人为保险起见没多久就去寻找自己熟悉的食品。西班牙的旅游胜地到处都是经营饮食的餐厅,为德国人、英国人和北欧游客提供日常的部分饮食,这些游客是餐厅的最大市场。
