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when I grow up音乐剧(when i grow up)

导读 大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。when I grow up音乐剧,when i grow up很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Boy...

大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。when I grow up音乐剧,when i grow up很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Boys call you sexy 男孩大赞你性感迷人 and you don’t care what they say 你一点也不在意 See everytime you turn around they screaming your name 每次你转身他们狂呼你的芳名 Now ive got a confession 如今我有话要说 When I was young I wanted attention 小时候我就梦想着万众瞩目 And I promised myself that I’d do anything 我向自己承诺 我会做出一切 Anything at all for them to notice me 一切能吸引目光的话题 But I aint complaining 我不会自怨自艾 We all wanna be famous 我们都想成名 So go ahead and say what you wanna say 勇往直前畅所欲言 You don’t know what its like to be nameless 你不会知道默默无名的滋味 Want them to know what your name is 我要深入民心 Cus see when I was younger I would say 因为我年轻时我就会说 When I grow up 长大之后 I wanna be famous 我要展露头角 I wanna be a star, 我要成为明星 I wanna be in movies 我要踏足电影 When I grow up 长大之后 I wanna see the world 我要环游世界 Drive nice cars 名车代步 I wanna have groupies 我要好友成群 When I grow up 长大之后 Be on tv 我要上电视 People know me 无人不晓 Be on magazines 我要成为封面女郎 When I grow up 长大之后 Fresh and clean 清新可人 Number one chick when I step out on the scene 摄影棚我无懈可击 You just might get it 你会如愿以偿 They used to tell me I was silly 他们说我不要做白日梦 until i poped up on the tv 直到我红透半边天 I always wanted to be a superstar 我要成为超级巨星 And knew that singing songs would get me this far 歌唱事业让我大展拳脚 I see them staring at me 我万众瞩目 Oh im a trendsetter 我走在潮流尖端 Yes this is true cus what I do, no one can do it better 是的这确实是我做的。

2、没人会做得更好 You can talk about me, cus im a hot topic 你们可以议论我。

3、因为我是炙手可热的话题 I see you watching me watching me and I know you want it 我知道你在注意我 注意我 我知道你就想这么做。
