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导读 大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。nobody中文翻译,noboby很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、nobody  2、/ ˈnəub...



2、/ ˈnəubədɪ; ˋnobədɪ/ (also no one / ˈnəuwʌn;ˋnoˏwʌn/) neg pron not anybody; no person 没有人; 无人: Nobody came to see me. 没人来看我. * When I

3、arrived there was nobody there. 我到的时候那里没人. * He

4、found that nobody could speak English. 他发觉没人会说英语. * Nobody remembered to sign their names.谁也没记着应当签名.

5、=>Usage at somebody 用法见somebody.

6、> nobody n unimportant

7、person 不重要的人; 小人物: He was just a nobody before he met her.

8、他认识她之前只是个小人物. * Your friends are all just a bunch

9、of nobodies. 你的朋友都不过是无名之辈. 另外,《nobody》也是韩国组合wonder girls的一首歌。
