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1、第一戒 保护生命(不杀生) 第二戒 尊重别人的财产(不偷盗) 第三戒 保持贞洁(不邪淫) 第四戒 正念地说话,深入地倾吸(不妄语) 第五戒 保护和滋养身心——不饮酒、不吸毒,或者服用其他任何含有毒素的物品(不饮酒) 第六戒 不使用化妆品,不戴珠宝道饰(不着华曼、好香涂身) 第七戒 不被世俗的娱乐所束缚(不歌舞观听) 第八戒 不过奢侈的生活(不坐高广大床) 第九戒 素食,不脱离僧团而独食(不非时食) 第十戒 不积聚钱财,为个人所用(不手捉金银宝物)佛教十戒,中英对照【十戒】The ten precepts. (1) The ten kinds of good behavior, same as 十善业. (2) The ten basic precepts for bhikkhus and bhikkuni^s in Therava^da and Nika^ya Buddhism, the first five of which (五戒) are also observed by lay practitioners. they are: (1) not killing 不杀生; (2) not stealing 不偷盗; (3) no improper sexual behavior (such as adultery, etc.) 不邪淫; (4) 不妄语 no false speech; (5) 不饮酒 no consumption of alcohol; (6) not eating after noon 不非时食; (7) not watching dancing, singing and shows 不歌舞观听; (8) not adorning oneself with garlands, perfumes and ointments 不涂饰香鬘; (9) not using a high bed 不坐高广大床; (10) not receiving gold and silver 不蓄金银宝.杀生、不偷盗、不淫邪、不说谎(不记前仇)、不酗酒、过午不食、不观听歌舞、不戴花不抹香水、不坐高处、不积蓄金银财宝。