您现在的位置是:首页 >动态 > 2023-09-14 07:00:17 来源:


导读 大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语小对话二人组10句天气,英语小对话二人组10句很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...


1、注解:Sun Gang: A normal university student (一位师范生) Mr. Li , an old model teacher (一位老模范教师) ,

2、Sun:Good morning, Mr. Li!

3、Mr. Li: Good morning!

4、Sun: I will graduate from my university next year and I want to be a good teacher. Can you tell me What makes a good teacher?

5、Mr Li: Ok! First, you have to love your work. This is very important for a teacher. Second,

6、 You should love your students.

7、 Sun:Anyhing else?

8、 Mr Li: Yes! You should read quite a lot of books. If you want to give your students a cup of water, you must have a bucket (桶) of water.

9、Sun: Any more?

10、 Mr Li: Of course. You must also treat(对待)your students very equally(平等). This is very imptortant, too. In any how, it is very hard to be a teacher, especially for a good teacher. Remember? I hope you can be a very good teacher.

11、Sun. Thank you, Mr. Li. i will work hard.

12、 Is it OK now?
